My work, as a Somatic Sex Educator, is centered on experiential learning, guiding you to connect with your body and explore its sensations, pleasure, and boundaries.

This type of education is especially supportive for individuals who have experienced shame or trauma around their sexuality, as well as those navigating low desire, discomfort during intimacy, or difficulties with orgasm. It also offers a valuable space for exploring sexual identity and overcoming ingrained beliefs, empowering individuals to communicate their desires clearly and embrace pleasure as a birthright.

What to Expect:

  1. Check-In:
    Every session begins with a gentle check-in. This is a moment for you to arrive fully in the present, share what’s alive for you, and express your intentions, desires, or any sensations you are experiencing. This helps create a clear and focused space for your session.

  2. Somatic Work:
    This is the heart of our time together. Whether it’s mindful erotic practices, sensory dialogues, breathwork, or movement, each session is tailored to your unique goals. We explore what feels relevant and supportive to your body in that moment, always with your consent and comfort as our guide.

  3. Savouring & Closing:
    As our session draws to a close, we spend time reflecting on the sensations, emotions, and insights you’ve gathered. This practice of savouring allows for integration of your experience before transitioning back to your daily life.

Session Fees:

  • Free 20-Minute Consultation

  • 90-Minute Session / $150

  • 2-Hour Session / $190

  • 3-Hour Session / $290


Investing in yourself is a powerful act of self-love. Working together over a series of sessions allows us to dive deeper into patterns, build your capacity for pleasure, and create meaningful shifts in your relationship with your body. These packages are designed to support long-term healing and self-discovery.

4-Session Package:

This is an ideal introduction package. Over four sessions, we focus on body-based learning, whether that’s working through specific blocks or enhancing your capacity for pleasure and connection. This container allows time to explore, process, and gain valuable insights about your body.

6-Session Package:

For those wanting to expand their awareness, this package offers more time for exploration. Over six sessions, we work on deepening your sensory experience and addressing patterns that may be affecting your pleasure or intimacy. This container is especially useful if you are seeking more time to integrate the work.

8-Session Package:

For those ready to dive deeper, this package gives us time to explore more complex layers of conditioning, trauma, or disconnection. Over eight sessions, we create a steady rhythm for healing and self-understanding, working through deeper issues that may be influencing your sexuality and connection to your body.

12-Session Package:

This package is for those who are committed to long-term work and looking for sustained support. With 12 sessions, we have the space to delve into more profound areas of exploration and transformation. We’ll build on each layer of learning, with ongoing guidance and integration, supporting you in creating lasting shifts in your relationship with yourself and your body.

Foundational Session Examples:

Our sessions are designed to meet your unique needs, and here are some examples of common session themes that may be explored.

Group Work:

In addition to one-on-one sessions, I offer women's group work twice a year in a nurturing and supportive circle setting. My group offering Remember Her brings women together for embodied practices and connection.

Booking Your Session:

To begin your journey or inquire about any of the offerings, please book your free consultation. During this time, we’ll explore your goals, desires, and how this work can support you on your path. I kindly ask that you fill out an intake form before our consultation, as it helps me gain better insight into your unique needs and deeper desires. However, if you’d prefer to wait until after our initial conversation to complete it, I completely understand.